General information
To schedule appointments at our Penn Hills office, please call 412.241.6111
To schedule appointments at Shadyside, please call 412.623.2456
To schedule appointments at St. Margaret, please call 412.784.2150 after 12pm on Tue - Thu. The phone will automatically bounce to our Penn Hills office if you call any other time.
If you need to cancel an appointment, please call and let us know so that we can reschedule you for the next available appointment. We would appreciate it if you called our office to cancel your appointment with 24 hours notice. Failure to do so may result in a $25 "no show" charge.
Forms for new patients
Please download, print and fill out the new patient form. Please bring this completed form with you to your first appointment. If you are unable to fill out this form prior to your appointment, please show up at the office 30 minutes prior to your appointment to complete the forms.
Also, please download the HIPAA form. This forms gives us permission to obtain copies of your records from other labs / hospitals / physician offices.
If you are a new diabetic patient, please bring in a copy of your blood sugars. You may download a blank blood sugar log below to help you get started.
Forms for existing patients
Blood sugar logs